In many homes, walls are left empty and bare. There may be a painting here or an old portrait there, but a bare wall calls out for something more special and personal. .....for just that Monica created the concept of The Family Wall.
The Family Wall is meant to fill a space with special moments, places or experiences from one’s life. Pictures of children at different stages or times you traveled abroad with your college roommate can all be hung together to show the life of each unique family which they can revisit everyday. These memories are on display for all to see and enjoy. These displays of nostalgia are for anyone to see, whether they’re a guest in your home or a family member, the family wall creates a wonderful place for people to pause, wonder, enjoy and remember.

However, the family wall doesn’t need to be dedicated to only memorable moments. It can display a unique or fun collection.

We’ve pulled together some of Monica's top tips on how to create a family wall or even a family vignette on a lonely table.
1.) Don’t be afraid to mix and match frame materials and sizes. Leather, silver and wood pieces can all sit together.
2.) Put out odd sizes. Start with 3 then 5 and so forth.
3.) Mix verticals in with some horizontals ...a collectible always looks good sitting with your frames or even a candle!
4.) A collage like feel works great on a wall with mixed sizes or if you prefer you can railroad the frames so they are perfectly in a row top and bottom.
5.) Most importantly, have fun! Don’t take it too seriously.
To begin creating your own family space, shop our frame collection here!